Logo: NürnbergMesse

Disclaimer and legal notices

Information provided in compliance with § 5 German Telemedia Act

NürnbergMesse GmbH
90471 Nürnberg
Tel: +49 (0) 9 11.86 06-0
Fax: +49 (0) 9 11.86 06-82 28

Authorized representatives: CEO Peter Ottmann

Electronic contact/e-mail:
Send enquiry

Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Marcus König 
Lord Mayor of the City of Nuremberg

Commercial Register No.: HRB 761, Court of Registration Nuremberg
VAT identification number: VAT ID No.: DE 133 529 704


All rights reserved. All texts, pictures, graphics, video, animation and sound files and their arrangements are subject to the copyright of NürnbergMesse GmbH or third parties and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. They and the content of these websites may not be copied, modified or used on other websites either for business or commercial purposes or for transfer to other parties.

The use of the hotel booking system and its contents is permitted only for individual enquiries about booking hotel rooms; automated queries are not permitted. Using the information (for example, the results of enquiries) to pass on to other persons is strictly forbidden. Transferring data, including extracts, to other data media, and the use of data for purposes other than those intended here is permissible only with the express agreement of NM.

Brand rights

All brands and trademarks appearing on the websites of NürnbergMesse may be used only with the express agreement of NürnbergMesse or the relevant brand owner.

Liability and warranty

These websites have been created with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, no guarantee is given that the information they contain is free from errors and accurate. NürnbergMesse therefore makes available all information on the websites without guarantees of any kind, whether expressed or implied. In particular, NürnbergMesse accepts no liability for damage caused by the use of the information contained therein or that is connected with the use of this information.

These Internet sites contain some information that is made available by third parties. NürnbergMesse has not itself examined this information in its entirety and accepts no liability for damage caused by the use of this information or connected with the use of this information unless NürnbergMesse, despite knowing that specific information is incorrect, has failed to correct these entries or to remove them without delay through intent or gross negligence.

Links, deep links and frames

References to external websites ("links") that are outside the area of responsibility of NürnbergMesse contain solely non-representative information for interested users about sources of supplementary or related content belonging to third parties.

NürnbergMesse has no influence whatsoever on the current and future composition of linked sites or their contents.

NürnbergMesse states explicitly that we accept no responsibility for the content of linked sites, disclaim any liability and do not endorse the contents. Links on interpages and subdirectories of websites belonging to NürnbergMesse ("deep links") and the incorporation of websites belonging to NürnbergMesse in frames are permissible only with the prior written agreement of NürnbergMesse.

Use of language

The contents of these Internet sites address both men and women. To make them easier to read, we use only the masculine form.

Design and implementation

4fb GmbH
Heyne Fabrik
Ludwigstraße 182a
D - 63067 Offenbach

Tel: +49 69 801082-0